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Evening Autumn Fields

Evening Autumn Fields, Plein Air Work ONLY
Evening Autumn Fields
Because of the cloudy day, the light in this painting changed constantly...especially the foreground, that dropped into shadow, and back to sunlight...constantly changing. I was able to capture it, before it was gone...or did the center area pop into sunlight?! Hum, does it matter? But at least it was captured...thank goodness. The thrill and adventure of the journey, is also the energy that is often captured in a "plein air creation", verses working from a photograph!
Also notice, that is no REAL DARK area in any of this painting...but the feeling of sunlight was enhanced,
by these values, and the lack of "clean" color! The full range of color, value, purity...all came together to create the final painting!

Plein Air Work ONLY    16 x 20