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Afternoon Gathering

Afternoon Gathering, Figure & Portrait
Afternoon Gathering
The entire landscape of this painting was captured "en plein air"...that is, ON THE SPOT, not in the studio or from photographs! And the "Spot" was half way down my dirt drive way, at my mountain home in North Idaho! I first laid out where the women and geese would go, from photos I'd taken over 10 years prior, from 9 different references! Then I drove my van down the dirt drive, and some how anchored my 36x48 inch canvas to the back of the van...not sure now, what I did with my palette... (things NOT talked about, are SOON brain is "over crowded with info"!)

When the landscape was complete, I headed back to the studio, to create the women and the geese. Love proving that the color "white" is anything BUT WHITE!! This is included in my series called "WOMEN IN WHITE".
As you can see in the dresses and the geese! "White" is the color of this page! To help you see what I shared with this painting.

If you would like to read more and understand what I share regarding the "color white", please also visit my painting: NATURE'S COMPLIMENTS", on my website:, where I share in depth, how to see and compare the whites of the dresses and the geese. It is wonderful to be able to have knowledge passed on to others! THAT is what Life is all about: Sharing the journey!!

Figure & Portrait    36 x 48