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The Northwest 40

The Northwest 40, Pastel
The Northwest 40
“The Northwest 40” (28x36) painted en plein air, Sunday morning, at the corner of Hunter Bay and Cousins Rds., just before these bales were hauled-off to a barn storage. My Idaho roots still play a big role in making subject matter choices. Even after 45 years living on Lopez Island, the local hay fields in summer feel like a homing beacon to that rural connection in southern Idaho. I always try for early morning or late evening light, which amplifies the presence of these enormous bales and allows a little visual trickery to set an otherwise static stage into motion. For this field it was the deep violets and blue-greens in the distant trees, which laid the setting for brighter, warmer colors to give life to the large bale and stubble . . . still active from mowing, especially along the edges, where shadow meets light. To me, there’s nothing more comforting than these fields in summer, even with vultures circling overhead. Because I know, that just like a bad dream, those will fly away.

Pastel    19 x 27 x 1